Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Snapshots 2

Now that we've been here for a few months, I don't have as much fun stuff to blog about. So I think more and more of my posts will be of random pictures that I find on my phone that I have a story to tell about. I think those posts are more fun anyways!

Last Wednesday was my first day of my new job. So far, I am really enjoying it! I am starting to catch on to all the different processes, so that's good. Plus, all the people that I have worked with are super nice! I'll be working every week day now, so that will keep me busy! It'll be nice to have extra money in the bank too! I'm excited! We started off leaving Myah out of her cage while we were away. She was good for the first couple days but on Friday, I came home and saw that she had unwrapped several of the presents that my Mom had sent us. I was very upset! So now, she'll just have to stay in her cage all day everyday! I feel bad, but I can't have her destroying my place because she's bored!

Myah has started to sit on the back of our futon in our spare bedroom and just stare out the window. She loves the outdoors! She has even started laying on the back of our couch like she's a cat, a BIG one!

The bases around here have been having several concerts lately. There was a Hoobastank concert at the bowling alley on our base a few weeks ago. Chad and I aren't really Hoobastank fans, but we took a walk up to the bowling alley to check it out. We took Myah with us too! She liked staring at all the people.

Our neighbors went to Toyko and brought us back these little treats as a token of thanks for helping them out while they were on vacation the week prior. I thought they were so cute with the giraffe print! They are banana carmel custard cream filled or something like that. I didn't think I would be a fan but they were actually really good! Chad and I hope to go to Toyko sometime while we're here, so we'll have to look for these to send home!

Ever since we've gotten to Japan, Chad has been obsessed with Dragon Ball Z. They have these Dragon Ball Z drinks in some of the vending machines around here. Whenever we see one, he has to get one! Not only do they taste good, it's like an orange energy drink but he also is trying to collect all the different cans. I tease him and say "gotta catch 'em all" ... but I'm like oh wait, that's Pokemon lol. We started collecting them when we first got here, but Chad had drank them so now he's trying to collect the unopened cans. A full set actually goes for a lot of money on Ebay! Some of the cans are harder to get than others. I think we're missing 2 or 3 to make a complete set. We also found a Dragon Ball Z puzzle in one of the local stores, so we spent a few nights putting that together. It was fun!

It's not everyday you see one of these in the mall! There was some performance going on in a shopping center that we were in one day. This thing like came out of nowhere and was like prancing around. It even like tried to bite Chad's crotch, lol I don't know what that was all about but it was pretty funny!

It rained all last weekend, which was a bummer! Trace Adkins came to town to put on a show for the military bases. He was on Kadena on Saturday night. It was an outside concert, unfortunately it was raining! That didn't stop Chad and I from attending though. I am glad we did because it was a lot of fun and a great concert. We enjoyed it! The best part is that it was free, can't beat that!

We're getting ready for Christmas around here, only 21 more days! I've only been staring at the presents my Mom sent us for 40 some days! Half way there :) She also sent this door cling to hang up on our door, so we put that up this last weekend. I really like it! :) We sent out our families' gifts last week, so they should be getting those hopefully this week! I can't wait for them to open them. I am horrible with surprises!

That's about all the fun that I've had in the past few weeks. Hope you enjoyed! :)

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