Thursday, May 17, 2012

Medically Cleared

Good News! Yesterday I had my medical clearance phone interview. It was pretty awkward. There wre like 5 people in the room, including my husband, who were all listening to me on speaker phone. This guy just listed off all these medical questions which I had to answer. Chad said it was kind of awkward for him too because 2 of the people were high ranking officers. But apparently I passed the interview (no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't) because Chad called later and told me I was medically cleared to go to Japan! YAY! So, we were told that Chad couldn't get his orders until I was medically cleared and well now I am so we get to wait for those now. Chad still has to get cleared though, which is pretty funny that I could do mine before he was even cleared!

I'm still waiting on my passport. No surprise there, I don't expect it for about another month! I have 2.5 work days to get through until I get to fly to see my hunny! I am so excited. It's going to be an amazing week!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


On Monday I recieved the paperwork in the mail to apply for my no-fee passport! So on Tuesday, after work I went to the post office to apply. The post office was crazy busy and their passport hours only went to 4:00 and I got there at 3:45. I was standing in this crazy long long and I was nervous that by the time I got up to the desk that they would turn me away because of the time. After waiting for about 5 minutes, they did a last call for passports! So I was able to apply and everything went smoothly! They said I should get it withn 4-6 weeks, which 6 weeks would be when Chad graduates so everything should work out perfectly!

I am so excited! In 9 days, I get to spend a whole week with my husband! It's going to be amazing and I can't wait! I leave Friday May 18th after work! Time needs to move a little bit faster but then slow down :) It will be my first time flying on an airplane by myself! I'm kind of nervous for that, but I know I'll be ok!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dentists, Doctors, & Paperwork. Oh my!

Lately, I’ve been trying to get everything done that I need to in order to live overseas. Chad had to priority ship some paperwork to me last weekend so that I could have it in time for my dentist and doctor appointments that I had this week. On Wednesday, I went to the dentist and had a checkup. I don’t have dental insurance, so I had to pay out of pocket for it. That sucked, but it needed to get done. I could of enrolled in the Military’s dental but it wouldn’t of gone into effect until June and I couldn’t wait that long. Luckily, I didn’t have any cavities or anything wrong with my teeth, so I’m good to go there! Then yesterday, I went to the doctors for a physical. I had them fill out all the pages I needed for the medical clearance and I was good to go there. I’m thankful for my health so I don’t have to stress about whether Japan will let me come or not. There is literally nothing wrong with me, so it should not be a problem! I had to get a Tetanus shot yesterday and my arm is sooo sore!

So other than the medical clearance the other piece of the puzzle is to get no-fee passport from the government. This has been the biggest headache. My husband was told that he couldn’t initiate the paperwork for it until I was medically cleared. I talked to other wives who have gone through the same process who said they were able to apply for the passport before they were medically cleared. So after making several phone calls, I finally got the answer that I wanted. Long story short, Chad has an appointment today to (hopefully) initiate the passport paperwork! The rush to get it done is so that I will be able to fly with my husband to Japan. If all my processing isn’t done, then he was told he’d have to fly there and I’d have to fly separately once cleared. I’m trying to get all this done so that doesn’t happen. So say a prayer for me :)

Oh.. also, I’m running a 5k tonight so say a prayer for me for that too. I don’t like running, I don’t even know why I signed up! lol

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Our First Duty Station

A week ago today, my husband told me where our first duty station would be. Never in a million years did I think I would even visit this place. It’s crazy to me.
It was about 6:00 on 4/23/2012 when I got a call from Chad. I was just sitting in bed on my laptop waiting to go to Fit Club. Chad answers the phone, Kinishiwa! I’m just like ok, I don’t know what that means, but Hi! :-) He then said something about how he found out where he’d be stationed. I of course was like WHERE?! Then he told me. I didn’t believe him, I did, but I didn’t. We made a deal that when it came down to telling me where we’d be living, he wouldn’t joke around about it. I just had never even thrown around this option for a duty station. Of course I talked about it several times with friends and family up to this moment, everyone joked we’d get stationed in Alaska (since we wanted somewhere warm) or somewhere really lame sounding like Kansas. But no one even guessed this one. Chad and I realized that we didn’t care where we ended up as long as we could be together. One of the only places I wouldn’t have been able to go with him to is Korea. His first tech school roommate and several others who had graduated from his tech school had orders for Korea. So for the week prior to finding out, we were freaking out. As soon as he told me, I was relieved the word Korea didn’t come out of his mouth, then I said to myself, Holy Crap! The first thing I did was google our future base. One of the first things I saw was a picture of cheerleaders. I’m a cheerleading coach, so that was a sign for me. A sign that this is where we were meant to go. After doing research, I’ve very excited to be going to….
Okinawa, Japan!

I haven’t heard one bad thing about it and it looks like it’s on a lot of people’s dream base sheet. So yay! It’s going to be a crazy lifestyle change. No matter where we would have got stationed, it would have been a crazy change but being on the other side of the world is even crazier to me.
I’m stressing out about the process that I have to go through to be able to go with Chad because it’s all so unclear. It’s like no one can give us a straight answer of this is what you need to do and by when. We’re trying to get me all cleared and process as soon as possible so I can fly on a plane to Japan with Chad. It’s possible that he’ll have to go and I have to stay behind until the military can get me all cleared to go!
Have you lived in Okinawa? I want to hear experiences, tips, facts, etc.! Tell me!