Thursday, August 22, 2013

August Update

Chad and I haven't been up to a whole lot lately. The first weekend of August, we went to see the annual 10,000 Eisa Dancer parade on Kokusai Street. Eisa Dancing is a big part of the Okinawan Culture. Groups of people dress in traditional costumes and dance, chant, and beat drums to music. There were tons of groups lined up doing performances down Kokusai Street. It was HOT! I felt bad for all the dancers, dressed in long sleeves and pants, dancing on the hot black pavement. They were even throwing water on the black pavement to cool it down. Chad and I didn't stay very long because we couldn't stand being in the heat; however it was an awesome cultural experience!

When Chad's parents were here, we took them to Kokusai street because it has a lot of souvenir type shops. There is this one shop called, Fukugiya, that sells this delicious cake called Baumkuchen. It's heaven! Chad's Mom bought a couple cakes from them when we were there with them and they were so delicious, Chad and I went back for more this time! We got one that was purple sweet potato flavored. It is so soft and sponge like, it's delicious.

Another day, we were looking for something to do and I had saw someone on Facebook post about this 3D art museum in American Village. We decided to check it out. We were kind of disappointed, we thought it was going to be real art that someone drew in real time, but it was all like printed displays. I still thought it was pretty cool. We brought our camera and took pictures with each display.

Other than that, Chad and I haven't really been doing much. We are in the midst of typhoon season but we haven't had a typhoon yet this year, which is surprising! The weather still has been very hot. During the last week, there has been a tropical storm passing near our island and we're kind of getting the outer edge of it, so we're experiencing wind and a little rain. It's kind of a nice change from the hot and sunny heat everyday.

I did get a new job! I have been working at the Youth Center since November as a desk clerk and I was given the opportunity to transfer to the Teen Center. I will be doing the same thing I am doing now but just in a different atmosphere and it will be different since the Teen Center doesn't have all the instructional classes as the Youth Center. I am excited for the change!

Only 117 days until we're on an airplane home! Woohoo! 

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