Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Okinawa Zoo

It's been about 2 weeks since I updated my blog! You're probably wondering what we've been up to! We haven't really done a whole lot, but we did go to the Zoo last weekend!

I had heard interesting things about the Okinawa Zoo before going, so I didn't expect it to be like the Zoos that we're used to visiting in the states. We arrived there with low expectations but I was pretty impressed. You can get pretty close to all the animals. They don't have fancy cage exhibits like stateside Zoos where the animals are usually in the farthest hiding spot they can find. I felt kind of bad for the animals though since all their cages were pretty small, especially the bigger animals like the lions and tiger. They had all the typical Zoo animals that you expect to see at a zoo; monkeys, lions, tigers, a bear, hippos, giraffes, elephants, etc. We didn't really see anything too unusual. They did have a raccoon caged up, which I thought was funny since back home we see those found dead on the side of the road all the time or find them digging in the trash. I wonder if they are uncommon here. Even though the zoo wasn't as glamorized like the zoos that I am used to visiting, we still had a good afternoon looking at all the animals. I wish there were more exotic animals here. You think there would different animals since we're on the other side of the world!

The one funny thing is that since you can get so close to the animals, you have to be careful. I've heard stories that the animals will throw their poop at you. This sign was outside the lion and tiger's cages. I think it's funny! Thankfully we didn't get sprayed on!

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