Sunday, March 3, 2013

Catchin' up on February

It's been about a month since I have updated! Lets see what has been going on...

For Valentines Day, we decided to cook dinner at home instead of going out with all the crowds at a restaurant. We made steak, broccoli, and mashed cauliflower, which was suppose to be a healthy version of mashed potatoes. I think I'd try a different recipe next time because I wasn't too fond of just mashed cauliflower, it needed sour cream or something to give it some consistency! We've been experiencing with all sorts of healthy versions of recipes lately since we're trying to live a healthier lifestyle. We made homemade pizza one night with a cauliflower crust and turkey pepperoni. It was actually very delicious! If cauliflower wasn't so dang expensive here, I would eat it a lot more often! It cost me $7.22 for a head of cauliflower. I couldn't believe it!

Since we didn't go out to eat on Valentine's Day, we decided to go out the following Sunday to sort of celebrate. We went to one of our favorite "American" restaurant on the island, the Seaside Restaurant. It has an amazing view of the ocean and the food is delicious!

Chad bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Valentine's day. It's the biggest most beautiful flowers that I've ever gotten! They lasted for a couple weeks too, I just threw them away yesterday!

One day after work, I went with some of my coworkers to try sushi for the first time. As soon as they found out I had never tried sushi, they were determined to take me out to try it. We went to a place called Sushi-go-round. The sushi goes around the restaurant on a conveyor belt and you can just choose what you'd like. I liked it because it allowed me to try all sort of things. I didn't even know what I was eating half the time! I was surprised that I actually liked it. I don't like fishy food but this didn't taste like seafood at all. It's definitely not something that I'll crave but I'm glad to say that I tried it! Chad had never had real sushi before either, so I took him the following weekend to try it. He also liked it!

Last weekend, Chad went hiking with some guys from work. They just drove up north, found a mountain and started climbing. He enjoyed himself! I'm not too fond of going off the beaten path. There's too many creatures on this island that could be stumbled upon! Chad said they didn't see any snakes or spiders though! While he was doing that, I went out to lunch and a movie with my friend, Krista. I hadn't talked to her in awhile so it was fun to catch up!

This weekend has been pretty boring! Chad's squadron is doing an exercise this week, so he's working 12 hour night shifts. Those started yesterday (Saturday) night, so that pretty much ruined the whole weekend! Even though I talked about eating out a lot in this post, we're still doing pretty good on our healthier lifestyle. I will be finishing up my 60 day Body Combat program in a few days. I'm happy to say that I have dropped a pant size since January. It makes me feel good! Chad is also doing really well, he is so skinny! He has a PT test in April, so he's been training for that so he can get an outstanding score on it!

My Mom and Greg will be here in just 26 days! I can't believe it's so close! I need to make a list of everywhere we need to eat and do while they are here. I hope the weather is nice for their visit! It has been pretty nice lately. I can tell that it's starting to get warmer. I do have to say, I love the weather here! This winter was awesome without any snow. It was still cold enough some days to wear a hoodie, so that's nice. I am not looking forward to the hot HUMID summer here though! I will never forget when we first got here, walking outside and immediately sweating. It's horrible! Thankfully there are a lot of beaches around here to cool off at :)

I'm sure I won't update until after my Mom comes and goes unless something exciting happens between now and then, so have a good month all! :)